10 writing tips from renowned authors
PR Daily : By Shanna Mallon | Posted: December 19, 2012

Just because you're writing blogs or website content doesn't mean you can't learn a few things from the great writers of yesteryear. In looking at the tips below, you might be surprised at how relevant and timely their advice can be.
PR Daily : By Shanna Mallon | Posted: December 19, 2012
Just because you're writing blogs or website content doesn't mean you can't learn a few things from the great writers of yesteryear. In looking at the tips below, you might be surprised at how relevant and timely their advice can be.
Here are 10 ways to improve your writing, online or otherwise:
1. Write, write, write.
"Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you're doomed." — Ray Bradbury
You know what they say, "If you want to be a writer, write!" What applies to novels and newspaper columns also applies to the Web: The more you practice, the better you become. Keep churning out content, refining as you go, learning what works and what doesn't. Over time, your content will improve.
“數量能生產高質量,如果只寫了一些東西,就死定了。” - 雷布萊伯利
你知道他們為何會這麼說,“如果你想成為一個作家,就是寫!” 此法則適用於小說和報紙專欄,也適用於網絡:你練習得越多,你就能展現更好。大量生產出的內容,可提煉你學習什麼可行,什麼不行。隨著時間的推移,你的內容將有所改善。
churn out 大量生產
2. Write with passion.
"When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
If there's one thing that separates good writers from great writers, it's passion. When you care about what you're saying, your audience can tell. So to write well, write with passion. Throw yourself into your writing, and keep at it.
“當你做某件事情,投入你整個靈魂,用你所有的力量去做。標示出自己的個性。積極主動,精力充沛並忠誠,那麼你會完成你的目標。” - 愛默生
3. Show, don't tell.
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." — Anton Chekhov
It's one of the oldest pieces of writing advice there is and for good reason. Writing that shows is writing that is powerful. Work to reveal information rather than tell it. Let your readers figure things out for themselves.
“告訴我月亮在閃耀,不如讓我看見在碎玻璃上閃爍的光。” - 契訶夫
4. Avoid clichés.
"Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech, which you are used to seeing in print." —George Orwell
The first phrase that comes to your mind isn't always the best—in fact, if it's the first phrase that comes to your mind, it might be the worst one to use. Common, overused phrases make your writing feel stale and boring, so look for new ways to describe ideas and cut out clichés.
“不要用你平常所見出版的型態如隱喻,直喻,或其他人物的方式演講”。 - 喬治奧威爾
5. Be scannable.
"I try to leave out the parts that people skip." —Elmore Leonard
Here's a tip: If you're bored by your writing, your readers probably are, too. So cut out the boring bits and make your words tighter. Likewise, design your online Web content so that it is scannable, complete with headers, bold text, and other formatting that differentiates the hierarchy of content.
“我試著省略人們會略過的部分分。” - 埃爾莫爾·倫納德
這裡有一個技巧:如果你對你寫作厭煩,你的讀者可能也是。因此,切掉令人煩悶的部分,使文字更嚴謹格。同樣,設計你的網絡內容,以便它可易被瀏覽,完整的標題,粗體字文本,和其他格式的內容,區分層次結構。 leave out 省去
6. Be clear.
"Always prefer the plain, direct word to the long, vague one." —C.S. Lewis
Two surefire signs of amateur writing are unnecessary adjectives and sentences that won't stop. Longer writing isn't always better writing. Avoid writing filled with complicated sentences and convoluted wording. Work to make your writing clear and simple so it's easy for readers to understand.
“永遠以簡單,直接取代冗長模糊的字眼。” -CS 路易斯
7. Eliminate clutter
"No matter how wonderful a sentence is, if it doesn't add new and useful information, it should be removed." — Kurt Vonnegut
It's as true with online content as it is with short stories and novels—writers tend to get attached to their words. But if you want your writing to be powerful, you must eliminate anything—even things you like—if it doesn't carry its own weight. Cut clutter.
“無論多麼美妙一個句子,如果不添加新的和有用的信息,它就應該被刪除。” - 庫爾特·馮內古特
8. Choose your words carefully.
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug." —Mark Twain
Twain had it right: Take time to consider your word choices.
“正確的字和幾乎是正確的字之間的差異如同閃電和螢火蟲之間的差異。” - 馬克·吐溫
9. Write to one.
"Don't be intimidated by the vastness of your audience. Imagine you are writing to a single reader. I have found it helps to pick out one real person I know and write to that person." —John Steinbeck
Especially on the Internet, writers can get caught up trying to please the masses. But you can't please everyone, and you shouldn't try. Take Steinbeck's advice and write to just one.
“不要被你廣大的聽眾嚇倒。想像一下,你正是為單一讀者寫作,我發現它可以幫助挑選出一個我所知道的真實的人,針對那個人寫作。” - 約翰·斯坦貝克
10. Be unique
"I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite." — G.K. Chesterton
Even the best advice is just that: advice. Don't ever let trying to follow someone else's path stop you from forging your own. You have a unique voice, and that's the best thing you can offer your audience—be who you are, and have the courage to be different.
“我將我的成功歸功於恭恭敬敬地聽著最好的建議,然後去做完全相反的做法。” - GK切斯特頓
Shanna Mallon is a writer for Straight North, a Chicago Web design firm providing specialized SEO, Web development, and other online marketing services. Follow Straight North on Twitter and Facebook.
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