Texting hurts your grammar
Source: PRDaily By Kristin Piombino | Posted: May 29, 2013
Does texting hurt your ability to properly use grammar?
使用短簡訊傷害你使用文法的能力 ?
Many communicators around the world insist that it does. If you're in this camp, there are now facts that can back you up. How gr8! (great --> gr8) !
世界上很多傳播業者堅信如此 如果你是這一族群, 現在面對現況能幫助你回復, 這是很棒的!
* 在電子郵件的使用者中還流行使用一些由首字母或讀音組成的縮略詞,如:
d u wnt 2 go out 2nite:Do you want to go out tonight?
lol:Laughing out loud
oic:Oh, I see.
mte:My thoughts exactly.
brb:I'll be right back.
c u 2morrow:See you tomorrow.
fanx 4 ur elp:Thanks for your help.
btw:By the way
imho:In my humble opinion 以我謙見, 恕我直言
asap:As soon as possible.
OnlineCollege.org created an infographic based on survey findings that say techspeak, the shortened language people use to quickly communicate via text or digital technology, affects one's ability to properly use grammar.
線上大學機構 ,依據科技說詞 製作視覺資訊圖表 調查發現,因人們使用簡短的語言以便快速藉著發送短信和數位科技傳遞訊息, 卻可能影響文法使用 。
Middle schoolers are the most likely to use techspeak—they send more than twice the amount of text messages than any other age group. It's also the most detrimental to them, as the middle school years are the most formative learning years in a person's life. The study concluded that middle schoolers who use techspeak may have trouble switching back to traditional grammar when they need to. tcehspeak
中學生更是最可能使用此類科技語法的族群 。他們比其他年齡群組高於兩倍更常使用發送短信,這更可能有害於他們 。是因在這年齡組 ,正是人一生當中學習能力型塑的期間 。研究結論中學生若使用科技說詞可能在他們需要轉換回復傳統文法使用時遭遇困難 。
Here are a few telling statistics:
這裡闡述一些統計結論 :
Fifty percent of surveyed teens said they don't use proper punctuation or grammatical marks when they write text or instant messages.
調查中 50%的青少年說當他們寫短文或發送即時訊息,並沒有適當使用標點符號或文法 。
Almost 90 percent (86 percent) of teens think having good writing skills is important for success in life.
幾乎有90%青少年 認為擁有好的寫作技巧對成功的人生是重要的 。
Eleven percent of teens think electronic communication has a negative impact on their writing skills.
11%的青少年認為電子傳播對寫作技巧會有負面的衝擊 。
And here's a doozy: 64 percent of teens admit they've used techspeak in classroom writing assignments.
這裡有一些好玩的東西 : 64%的青少年承認在課堂寫作業時會使用科技語彙 。
Check out the graphic for more:
瞧瞧更多這些生動的描述 :
RELATED: Become a more efficient writer and editor after one day of training.
Kristin Piombino is an editorial assistant for Ragan.com.