16 Inspiring Ideas for Organizing Your Craft Room
From BRIT + CO by Molly Griffin on May 17, 2015 
With so many parties and showers and creative ideas up in here, we’re starting to feel the need to get our DIY gear organized. After all, not every hobby
comes in a handy little Brit Kit. Most of the time we’re dealing with more eedles, bobbins, skeins, brushes, pliers and papers than we know what to do with!
If you’re in the same boat, join us in reorganizing your craft area, whether it’s a closet, a corner or a full-blown studio.
因為在這裡有這麼多的宴會, 送禮會和創意點子呈現,我們開始覺得有必
要組織我們的DIY裝備。畢竟,小英國人工具箱裡不是每一個愛好都唾手可得。大部分的時間我們比我們更知道該怎麼做似的處理針,線軸,一束紗線,刷子,鉗,和紙張之類的 !如果你跟我們是在同一條船上,加入我們一起重組你的工藝地區,無論這是一個衣櫃,一個角落裡或一個完全成熟的工作室。
1. Pegboards: Pegboards are essential in a craft room because they’re so customizable and modifiable. Use a mix of hooks, shelves and baskets to
get those bits and bobs off your table but still within reach.
(via Fabric Paper Glue)
1.工具架:工具架在一個工藝室必不可少的,因為他們是可客製化和修改。使用鉤子,貨架和籃子組合,將那些瑣碎零散物不放在桌子,但仍然觸手可及。 (通過布紙膠)
2. Contrasting Colors: We’ve seen A LOT of rainbow-inspired craft rooms, which of course we love, but this monochrome room really stands out. All the black and white furniture and decor contrasts with the vibrant tissue paper and paints, making those crafting materials so much easier to find. (via Martha Stewart)
2,對比色:我們已經看過了彩虹般迷人風格的工藝室,我們當然喜愛這樣的設計,但是這個房間的單色系卻真的脫穎而出。所有黑色和白色家具與裝飾對比活力的紙巾和油漆,使這些各具特色的材料,可更容易找到。 (通過瑪莎·斯圖爾特)
3. Industrial Details: Clipboards, lockers and the ubiquitous pegboard give this workspace the feel of a professional (and über-organized) craft studio. It’s the perfect industrial aesthetic if your hobbies include woodworking or leatherworking.
4. Craft Carts: I spy with my little eye… two IKEA utility carts being used to corral the many, many supplies in this busy art studio. Go check out the rest of this room tour to get lots of creative ideas,
plus a closer look at those humungous storage shelves. (via Kelly Rae Roberts)
這個繁忙的藝術工作室。去看看這個房間巡演,再加上仔細看看那些龐大的倉儲貨架以得到很多創意。 (凱利雷伊·羅伯茨)
5. Kitchen Studio: If you don’t have a spare upstairs room for all of your creative projects, a converted basement may be just the ticket. Bonus points if yours is fitted with a kitchen, because alllll those cupboards are prime art supply storage. (via Natalme)
5.廚房錄像室:如果你沒有多餘的上層空間置放所有的創意物件,改建公共區域可能是入門票。如果你配有廚房是適合的獎勵積分,因為這些alllll櫥櫃都是素美術用品儲存空間。 (通過Natalme)
6. Ribbon Wall: If you got it, flaunt it — spools of ribbon, that is. Fun fact: This display was made out of a repurposed bottle drying rack. (via Oh Happy Day)
6.絲帶牆:如果你得到它,那炫耀它 - 色帶捲軸,就是它。有趣的事實:這個是用一個乾燥瓶架改變用途做出。 (通過哦快樂的一天)
7. Baskets Galore: Baskets and bins are the easiest way to hide clutter, but why hide the baskets themselves? Go all out and make them the focal point of the room with a large open storage unit. (via Natty Michelle)
7.豐富的籃子:籃子和垃圾桶是隱藏雜亂最簡單的方法,但為什麼要隱藏籃子本身?讓他們的全力以赴充斥整個房間,成為一個大型開放式存儲單元的焦點。 (通過納蒂米歇爾)
8. Minimal Storage Displays: Keep just the essentials in sight by storing them on towel bars with S-hooks, or stashing your paints inside a clear garden terrarium. As for the rest, shut it behind cabinet doors to keep your space as clean and minimal as possible. (via I Heart Organizing)
晶球裡存放你的顏料。至於其他的,請將其放在背後櫃門,盡可能讓您的空間,乾淨,最少化。 (從 I Heart Organizing)
9. Colored Pencil Wall Art: Making art out of the art supplies themselves? We’re feeling inspired by this craft space. That’s 500 colored pencils you’re gawking at. Although we hope you’re not TOO much of a perfectionist, because you’re gonna have to sharpen those babies at some point. (via Jeannie Jeannie)
9.彩色鉛筆牆藝:讓美術用品本身呈現藝術了?我們靈感感覺來自於這門手藝的空間。看著500彩色鉛筆一起展示讓人目瞪口呆。儘管我們希望你不是完美主義者,因你得在同一點上削磨這些寶貝物。 (通過Jeannie Jeannie)
10. Small Space Solutions: We don’t all have sprawling spaces to devote an entire room to crafting, so some of us need to get extra creative. This blogger turned an old pantry into her workspace by using a mix of shelves, wooden slats and tiered baskets to create as much added storage as possible. (via Tried and True)
10.小空間解決方案:我們並不都伸展空間致力於整個房間投入到手工製作,所以有些人需要獲得額外的創意。該博客用貨架,木條和分層籃子的組合,將一個老式餐具室轉換成她的工作空間以創造增加盡可能多的倉儲。 (通過Tried and True)
11. Ceiling Space: Speaking of small space solutions, do you need all the wall space you can get for storage? Look up! Just move your inspiration board (or finished projects, for artists) to the ceiling. It’s an ideal solution in attic rooms. (via Design*Sponge)
11.天花板空間:說到小空間解決方案,你需要所有的牆面空間,以得到存儲?抬頭看吧!只是移動你的靈感板(或完成項目,為藝術家)到天花板。這是一個在閣樓間理想解決方案。 (通過設計*海綿)
12. Fabric Wall: For seamstresses and budding fashion designers, one of the biggest pains is figuring out what to do with all those fabric swatches. This simple IKEA hack involves nothing more than a curtain rod and curtain clips. (via Craftaholics Anonymous)
12.織物牆:對於女裁縫和嶄露頭角的時裝設計師,最大的煩惱之一是搞清楚如何處理所有這些布樣。這個簡單的宜家曬架包含的不外乎窗簾桿和窗簾夾子就可解決。 (Craftaholics匿名)
13. Hanging Inspiration Board: Here’s another way to turn a couple of curtain rods into multifunctional storage spaces. S-hooks can hold all of your tools, plus clipboards of your sketches and inspiration clippings. (via The Happy Heathen)
13.懸掛啟發式板:這裡是另一種方式把一對窗簾桿變成多功能的存儲空間。 S鉤可以容納你所有的
工具,並加上你的草圖和靈感剪報剪貼板。 (通過快樂異教徒)
14. Rustic Cubbies: Turns out you don’t have to build a brand new (and inevitably complicated) IKEA shelving unit just to unclutter your crafts — people have been organized for quite some time. Antiquing fans, go forth and hunt down an old cubby system for the ultimate handmade room. (via Mamie Jane’s)
14.鄉村式質樸小房間:結果是你並不需建立一個全新的(和必然複雜)宜家層架單元就可整理您的工藝品 - 人們一直花費相當長的一段時間在組織上。古董迷,出發搜尋直到發現一個舊雜物系統成為終極手工製作室。 (via Mamie Jane’s)
15. Jewelry Findings Within Arm’s Reach: Jewelry making is one of those hobbies that comes with a TON of little, easy-to-lose pieces. Acrylic canisters are the best for rounding up all those findings, while DIY wall hangers are the best for displaying works in progress. (via Refinery29)
15.首飾配件近在咫尺:珠寶製作是這些喜好中需夾帶大量小物,易於遺失的物件。 .丙烯酸(亞克力)罐是裝這些物品最好用的東西。而掛衣架DIY 牆是最好的工程展示。 (通過 Refinery29)
16. Crafts on Display: Aside from a place to make, your craft room can be a place to show off as well. You may want to keep the odds and ends out of sight, so drawers are a must, but get those finished works of art on display! (via Miss Moss)
16.花卉工作室工藝品展示:除了一個地方可製作外,你的手藝房間可以是一個炫耀的好地方。你可能想讓雜七雜八之物淡出人們的視線,如此抽屜是必須的,但將那完成藝術成品展示吧! (通過莫斯小姐)
Do you have any tips for organizing your arts and crafts supplies? Spill your organizational secrets in the comments!