2011年7月15日 星期五


Farmers must boost sustainable crops to feed world

source : mother nature network
By Reuters Mon, Jun 13 2011 at 4:38 AM EST

Global farm output must increase 70 percent, including a nearly 100 percent jump in developing countries, to feed the world in 2050, the FAO said.

聯合國糧農組織說 全球農業產量必須增加70%,其包含在發展中國家需增長近100%,以供養世界至2050年。

FARMING: Climate change and growing competition for land, water and energy with industries mean agriculture can no longer rely only on intensive crop production. (Photo: ZUMA Press)

種植業:氣候變化和土地的運用競爭日益加劇,工業的用水與能源意味農業發展再也不能只依靠密集作物的生產。 (圖片:ZUMA出版社)

MILAN - The ravages from half a century of intensive farming must give way to a more sustainable approach if farmers are to feed the world in 2050, the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization said Monday.

聯合國糧食和農業組織週一表示:米蘭 – 經過集約農業近半世紀的蹂躪,如果農民要養活世界至2050年必須有一個可持續合理利用的方法。

Ps: 集約農業,指農業上採取各種手段,大量的人力物力投入以取得最大限度產出的耕作方式。東亞是世界上典型的集約農業農業區,與北美粗放農業有所不同

Global farm output must increase 70 percent, including a nearly 100 percent jump in developing countries, to feed the world in 2050, the FAO said.


At the same time, farmers must conserve resources and protect environment, said the FAO, which expects the world's population to rise to about 9.2 billion in 2050 from 6.9 billion in 2010.


Climate change and growing competition for land, water and energy with industries mean agriculture can no longer rely only on intensive crop production.


That approach has caused land degradation, excessive water use, pest resistance and other problems in many countries, the FAO said in its Save and Grow report.


"It is also clear that current food production and distribution systems are failing to feed the world," it said pointing that the total number of undernourished people in 2010 was estimated at 925 million, higher that it was 40 year ago.


The goal of feeding the world is further complication by the shortage of new arable land for crop expansion, the agency said.


A new approach based on sustainable intensification of crop output is necessary to allow farmers produce more from the same area of land by raising yields and at the same time conserve resources and cut the negative impact on the environment, it said.


Required steps include the use of high-yield seeds, including genetically improved ones, as well as mix of mineral fertilizers and natural sources, efficient water use and limited use of pesticides alongside crop rotation.


This should help small farmers increase their incomes by raising output and reducing costs, the report said.


Small farmers, especially in the developing world, would need financial, technical and educational support from governments and international organisations, it said.


The world needs to invest a total gross $209 billion, at constant 2009 prices, a year in agriculture in developing countries to achieve the needed increases by 2050, the FAO said, reiterating its 2009 estimates.

若以 2009年價格基準恆定來說,每年在農業發展中國家生產到實現2050年所需的增長量,世界需要總投資2090億美元,聯合國糧農組織說並重申其一2009年的估計數。

The figure includes primary agriculture and services, such as storage, processing and marketing.


The FAO reiterated that current investment in agriculture in developing countries is "clearly insufficient."

(Reporting by Svetlana Kovalyova; editing by Jason Neely)


(此篇由Svetlana Kovalyova報導; Jason Neely編輯)

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