Hundreds of mental health experts issue rallying call against austerity
Hundreds of mental health experts issue rallying call against austerity
400 counsellors, psychotherapists and others sign letter saying ‘society thrown completely off
balance’ by ‘emotional toxicity of neoliberal thinking’

The letter to the Guardian calls for a broadly based
campaign against austerity.
Friday 17 April 2015 06.00
到衛報的來函要求 反對各種的緊縮活動。
週五2015年4月17日06.00 ( Photograph: Alamy James Meikle and Denis Campbell )
Austerity cuts are having a “profoundly disturbing” impact on people’s psychological wellbeing
and the emotional state of the nation, hundreds of counsellors, psychotherapists and mental health experts have said in a letter to the Guardian.
緊縮性削減令人“深感不安”影響人的心理健康和情感 以及 民族國家的情感,上百個諮詢師,心理諮詢師和心理健康專家寫給衛報說。
They said an “intimidatory disciplinary regime” facing benefits claimants would be made worse
by further “unacceptable” proposals outlined in the budget.
These amounted to state “get to work” therapy and were both damaging and professionally
unethical, they said.
他們說支持“恐嚇紀律制度”而獲利益的主張者將 藉著在預算概述“不可接受”的建議提綱使其進一步惡化。
Increasing inequality and poverty, families being moved out of their homes and new systems determining benefit levels were part of “a wider reality of a society thrown completely off balance by the emotional toxicity of neoliberal thinking”, according to more than 400 signatories to the letter. The consequences were “most visible in the therapist’s consulting room”.
The letter’s writers said it “sounds the starting bell for a broadly based campaign of organisations and professionals against the damage that neoliberalism is doing to the nation’s mental health”.
Labour first introduced work capability assessments but the coalition introduced a much more stringent regime.

The letter’s supporters included psychotherapist and writer Susie Orbach.
The 2015 budget included plans to provide online cognitive behavioural therapy to 40,000 claimants and people on the Fit for Work programme, as well as putting therapists in more than 350 job centres.
(Photograph: /David Levene )
在2015年的預算計劃,包括線上提供40,000 需求者認知行為療法和人民之工作計劃適合性,以及在超過350 個就業中心設置治療師。
The letter was being organised before the Conservative party manifesto was published earlier this week.
This said that those with long-term but treatable conditions, including drug or alcohol addiction and obesity, might lose benefits if they refused recommended treatments.
The response from main political parties was muted, each stressing only their commitment to improving mental health rather than addressing the call for professionals to wake up to “malign developments” in social policy.
We certainly don’t want mental health treatments that violate all of our notions of … consent
Susie Orbach
我們當然不希望精神健康治療出現了違反我們所有觀念的這種情況…同意 蘇西奧爾巴赫
The letter’s supporters included psychotherapist and writer Susie Orbach. She called “beyond shocking” the Conservative manifesto proposal.
“It undermines the fundamental principles of one’s right to physical and mental care – that you have to be able to consent and that the people you go to have to be highly trained and have your best interests
and aren’t meeting targets.”
“它破壞了一個人的權利,身心保健的基本原則 – 你必須能同意和你去的人都必得經過嚴格培訓,且有你的最佳利益,但此並沒有達到目標。”
She added: “And we certainly don’t want claimants’ and job-seekers’ aspirations and paltry money dependent on whether they take up treatment options, which bounce them into mental health treatments which may not suit them, and which violate all of our notions of what constitutes a minimum standard for productive engagement in therapy: in short, consent.”
Andrew Samuels, an Essex University professor, and immediate past chair of the UK Council for Psychotherapy, insisted the letter was not pro-Labour but was aimed at getting a review of measures
taken and proposed over the past five years
“If Labour decides afterwards all this is in order, it will go on. But I don’t think it will. I don’t see how it can,” he said.
Samuels believed there was “a bit of a public school ethos” behind the work-capability regime introduced under the Conservative-Lib Dem coalition and new Conservative plans.
塞繆爾斯認為工作能力“有點公立學校校風”體制引進保守黨 – 自由民主黨聯盟和新的保守黨計劃。
Characterising the government attitude as “Pull yourself together man, for heaven’s sake,” Samuels added: “It is wholly inappropriate. It symbolises a society that has lost all moral compass.”
Richard House of the Alliance for Counselling and Psychotherapy, the letter’s main organiser, said there had been a mounting groundswell of concern. “When one hears story after story of dramatic negative health impacts, psychological and physical, after people are subjected to these back-to-work practices,
the time has surely come for an ‘emotional audit’ of the impact of what, to many, appear to be
heartless, un-thought-through policies that are merely penalising and punishing the already
disadvantaged still further.”
聯盟的諮詢和心理治療的理查德·豪斯,這封信的主要組織者表示曾有過擔憂輿論風潮的上升。 “當一個人聽到一個接一個戲劇性負面健康影響心理和生理的的故事,之後服從這些的人們回到工作崗位的實行,”情感決算“影響的時機肯定已經到來,很多 顯得沒心沒肺,未經過深思熟慮的政策。“似乎僅僅是懲罰,打擊已經進
一步 處於不利地位
A Conservative spokesman said: “Under this government inequality has fallen, child poverty is down and there are now 1.9 million more people in jobs than there were at the last election. We have legislated to ensure mental health is treated equally to physical health, and are introducing new waiting time standards.”
The party spokesman added: “Overall spending on mental health has increased, including over £400m to make a choice of psychological therapies available for everyone who needs them.
黨一名發言人說:“有關精神健康的總體支出有增加,其中包括超過 £400百萬供任何人需要心理療法時可獲得選擇。
“We will continue to invest in mental health and are committed to spending an additional £1.25bn over
the course of the next parliament. All of this is only possible because our plans are backed by a strong economy.”
Luciana Berger, Labour’s shadow health minister, said: “Mental health is the biggest unaddressed
health challenge of our age and it is essential that we give it the priority it deserves.
Labour would create a new right to talking therapies in the NHS constitution, working towards a standard of 28 days waiting time, said Berger.
“We will end the scandal of the neglect of child mental health, too, by increasing the proportion of the budget spent on these services.”
Norman Lamb, Lib Dem minister in the Department of Health, said: “The Liberal Democrats are on a mission to end the discrimination against mental health in our society. That’s why in government we introduced the first ever waiting time standards. It’s also why we are pledging at least £3.5bn extra
funding over the next parliament to provide better mental healthcare.”
“The economic shock that this country faced five years ago has of course had an impact on mental health, and that’s why we were determined to build a stronger economy and why we fought to exempt disability benefits from cuts.
“We want to make sure people with mental health problems get the right help to stay in, or get into, work that can help their recovery. We will block the £12bn welfare cuts that the Tories propose.”
Andrew Samuels, an Essex University professor, and immediate past chair of the UK Council for Psychotherapy, insisted the letter was not pro-Labour but was aimed at getting a review of measures
taken and proposed over the past five years
“If Labour decides afterwards all this is in order, it will go on. But I don’t think it will. I don’t see how it can,” he said.
Samuels believed there was “a bit of a public school ethos” behind the work-capability regime introduced under the Conservative-Lib Dem coalition and new Conservative plans.
塞繆爾斯認為工作能力“有點公立學校校風”體制引進保守黨 – 自由民主黨聯盟和新的保守黨計劃。
Characterising the government attitude as “Pull yourself together man, for heaven’s sake,” Samuels added: “It is wholly inappropriate. It symbolises a society that has lost all moral compass.”
Richard House of the Alliance for Counselling and Psychotherapy, the letter’s main organiser, said there had been a mounting groundswell of concern. “When one hears story after story of dramatic negative health impacts, psychological and physical, after people are subjected to these back-to-work practices,
the time has surely come for an ‘emotional audit’ of the impact of what, to many, appear to be
heartless, un-thought-through policies that are merely penalising and punishing the already
disadvantaged still further.”
聯盟的諮詢和心理治療的理查德·豪斯,這封信的主要組織者表示曾有過擔憂輿論風潮的上升。 “當一個人聽到一個接一個戲劇性負面健康影響心理和生理的的故事,之後服從這些的人們回到工作崗位的實行,”情感決算“影響的時機肯定已經到來,很多 顯得沒心沒肺,未經過深思熟慮的政策。“似乎僅僅是懲罰,打擊已經進
一步 處於不利地位
A Conservative spokesman said: “Under this government inequality has fallen, child poverty is down and there are now 1.9 million more people in jobs than there were at the last election. We have legislated to ensure mental health is treated equally to physical health, and are introducing new waiting time standards.”
The party spokesman added: “Overall spending on mental health has increased, including over £400m to make a choice of psychological therapies available for everyone who needs them.
黨一名發言人說:“有關精神健康的總體支出有增加,其中包括超過 £400百萬供任何人需要心理療法時可獲得選擇。
“We will continue to invest in mental health and are committed to spending an additional £1.25bn over
the course of the next parliament. All of this is only possible because our plans are backed by a strong economy.”
Luciana Berger, Labour’s shadow health minister, said: “Mental health is the biggest unaddressed
health challenge of our age and it is essential that we give it the priority it deserves.
Labour would create a new right to talking therapies in the NHS constitution, working towards a standard of 28 days waiting time, said Berger.
“We will end the scandal of the neglect of child mental health, too, by increasing the proportion of the budget spent on these services.”
Norman Lamb, Lib Dem minister in the Department of Health, said: “The Liberal Democrats are on a mission to end the discrimination against mental health in our society. That’s why in government we introduced the first ever waiting time standards. It’s also why we are pledging at least £3.5bn extra
funding over the next parliament to provide better mental healthcare.”
“The economic shock that this country faced five years ago has of course had an impact on mental health, and that’s why we were determined to build a stronger economy and why we fought to exempt disability benefits from cuts.
“We want to make sure people with mental health problems get the right help to stay in, or get into, work that can help their recovery. We will block the £12bn welfare cuts that the Tories propose.”
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