The hardest—and easiest—punctuation marks to use
PRDaily : By Kristin Piombino | Posted: July 10, 2014
Which punctuation mark is the hardest to use correctly?
哪一個標點符號最難正確使用 ?
The ellipsis sounds a little intimidating, and people frequently misuse apostrophes.
Perhaps you're thinking it's one of those.
省略符號的聲音有點嚇人, 而且 人們經常誤用撇號 ,也許你想的是那個。
It's not.
但並不是 !
The hardest punctuation mark to use correctly is the comma, an infographic from claims. That's because it has more rules and
applications than any other punctuation mark.
最難使用正確的標點符號是逗號, 由 聲稱的
The infographic ranks each punctuation mark according to how many applications
it has, and therefore, how difficult it is to learn.
訊息圖將每個標點符號排列根據他有多少的使用方法、 條列 、以顯示其學習的困難度。
While the comma is the most difficult with 15 applications, the period is the easiest
—its only job is to end a sentence
(except when it ends an abbreviation: Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.).
逗點有十五種運用方式其難度最高, 句號是最簡單的唯一的工具將句子結尾。
Take a look at the graphic to see where the rest of the punctuation marks rank.
Do you agree with the lineup?
Kristin Piombino is associate editor of