導演 & 編劇:
Protozoa Pictures Production 製作。奧斯卡影帝影后共同打造《挪亞方舟》聖經史詩片。
聖經{ 創世紀 } 中 6-9 章 記錄了諾亞的事蹟 ,挪亞 方舟的故事啟示 製作團隊 ,集結了一
流卡司 研究,希望能忠於文本將挪亞所處的世界還原,
Young visitors at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2012. Photograph:
2012年在英國皇家學會夏季科學展覽的青年訪客 圖片來源:英國皇家學會/ Flickr的
Royal Society/Flickr Athene Donald Thursday 26 June 2014 09.06 BST
It’s been nearly eight years since elMejorTrato launched, and from the first moment
we focused on content marketing as a main strategy for growth.
Clean air and recycling laws at risk in EU
BBC :12 December 2014 Last updated at10:25 By Roger Harrabin BBC environment analyst
Paris was blanketed in suffocating smog in March - and the new mayor has blamed
diesel cars
Winter is coming (or maybe where you live, it's already here).
冬季即將來臨 ( 或也許你住的城市已經來了)
Where I’m from (Cleveland, Ohio), that means it’s time to check my car battery, replace tires,
and make sure everything checks out under the hood.
若在我的家鄉(美國俄亥俄州克里夫蘭市 ) 這是意味著是時候去檢查車子的電力 , 換輪胎,
並進一步仔細檢查內部結構已確認每件事就緒 。
The Angel means to be … (From web)
I see the change ~
The change seems beat me !
But I think it will be,
Tne monent I may still .
So I meet the change,
Let some parts of me like you ~
Crystal beauty: Illuminating the structure of matter
10 November 2014 Last updated at09:41
To reveal the structure of molecules, scientists use a process called X-ray crystallography.
Now a photographer has captured images featuring details of the technique, illuminating
the structure of matter itself.
Floating on air or in a state of high anxiety? Name your songs that describe the
feelings and circumstances of this moment of change
Posted by Peter Kimpton Thursday 23 October 2014 22.00 BST
Go on Gregory! Dee Hepburn and John Gordon Sinclair in Gregory’s Girl (1982).
Happiness 'dips in midlife in the affluent West'
Related Stories
Happiness nose dives as you hit middle age - but only if you live in the affluent West,
according to experts.
Solutions to the water energy nexus remain elusive
Source: Guardian sustainable business
Volkswagen and Coca-Cola among businesses acting on interconnected issues of water
and energy, but the voice of power companies and energy producers is largely absent
生產商的聲音大部分缺席 。
A section of Lake Oroville, California. The drought-stricken state uses around a fifth of its
electricity for water-related purposes.
Most public relations professionals relay on their spell checkers.
Looking for red underlings to help identity misspelled words can provide a misleading
confirmation of accuracy.
Social media is no longer an experiment. With more than 1.5 billion active users on
Facebook and Twitter alone, social media has matured into a critical channel for retailers
looking to get a big chunk of the estimated $650 billion that will be spent on holiday shopping
this season.
What’s in a (brand) name?
Business Insider recently created a video guide to help folks properly say 15 brand names
that are commonly mispronounced, including Fage, Stella Artois, Porsche, and Guerlain.
In 1999, upon reporting for my first Sunday shift at CNN, I was invited into a “question” meeting
with Wolf Blitzer and his executive producer.
1999年,當我正在CNN值週日班時,我被邀請參與 Wolf Blitzer和他的執行製作監製的
導 演:《功夫夢》哈洛德茲瓦特
演 員:《魔鏡魔鏡》莉莉柯琳絲、《暮光之城:新月》傑米坎培鮑爾
The 72nd World Science Fiction Convention is being held in London at the ExCel centre
from 14-18 August – photographer Christian Sinibaldi visited on Friday 15
第72屆 世界科幻小說大會於 2014年 8/14-16 日 在倫敦國際會展中心舉行 –
由 Christian Sinibaldi 在 8/15 拍攝提供
PR Daily readers have strong opinions when it comes to style. On this site, we’ve
debated topics such as the use of the serial comma, the overuse of the exclamation point,
and the capitalization of titles. And who can forget the lively conversations over spacing
after punctuation and the use of nouns as verbs.
當談到樣式風格時, PRDaily的讀者有強烈的主張 。在這網站 ,我們已討論如一系列的
逗號如何使用, 過度使用的驚嘆號 以及標題大寫。
誰能忘記生動的對話後的空格的標點符號和將名詞如動詞般使用 ~
最美的時光: 我曾經擁有, 也曾錯過 …
眼裡有的 - 愛戀著, 也寄託著
那光陰 迴旋 在這個空間裡 , 有時片斷 , 有 時 延續 ..
但織錦交錯成 , 一種回憶 ~
PRDaily : By Kristin Piombino | Posted: July 10, 2014
Which punctuation mark is the hardest to use correctly?
哪一個標點符號最難正確使用 ?
The ellipsis sounds a little intimidating, and people frequently misuse apostrophes.
Perhaps you're thinking it's one of those.
省略符號的聲音有點嚇人, 而且 人們經常誤用撇號 ,也許你想的是那個。
I led a roundtable on PR measurement, and we didn’t get past the second slide.
That’s because the first slide asked: “How does your agency measure PR success?”
3 things to know before you start your PR career
From PRDaily : By Mickie Kennedy | Posted: June 5, 2014
Do you think you have a good idea of what working in PR is all about? You may have
seen a TV show (think Samantha on "Sex and the City") or otherwise have an idea of
what a glamorous life PR pros lead. Maybe you want to get into public relations so you
can have the same fabulous, high-octane lifestyle.
演 員:(配音)《生死情緣》柴克艾弗隆(飾 泰德)、 《情人節快樂》泰勒絲(飾 奧黛莉)、
《羅馬不思議》丹尼狄維托(飾 羅雷司)、《愛情限時簽》貝蒂懷特(飾 諾瑪奶奶)、
《醉後大丈夫2》艾德赫姆斯 (飾 萬事樂)、《鯨奇之旅》羅伯里格爾(飾 歐洋氣)
Amazon trees vulnerable to fire and climate combination
15 April 2014 Last updated at 13:18
An increase in the frequency of fires and drought-like conditions could result in an ecological
tipping point