兩端 ,一岸 ,投向 彼方 .. 眼裡的留戀, 嘴唇的分以 ,
答案 ,始終 ,沉澱倚燃 … 絲絲的牽繫 , 未入 ~ 不過 無依 ..
但卻 知悉 , 猶昕, 仍在一岸, 兩端 ~
PRDaily : By Kristin Piombino | Posted: July 10, 2014
Which punctuation mark is the hardest to use correctly?
哪一個標點符號最難正確使用 ?
The ellipsis sounds a little intimidating, and people frequently misuse apostrophes.
Perhaps you're thinking it's one of those.
省略符號的聲音有點嚇人, 而且 人們經常誤用撇號 ,也許你想的是那個。