2014年6月27日 星期五


4 standards to set for PR measurement

Source : PRDaily By Aly Saxe | Posted: June 26, 2014


I led a roundtable on PR measurement, and we didn’t get past the second slide.
That’s because the first slide asked: “How does your agency measure PR success?”

我帶領測量公關的協調會議,我們沒獲得通過第二個關卡, 這是因為第一張幻燈片
問道:“請問你的代理機構如何衡量公關措施成功? ”


2014年6月20日 星期五


Man with hidden camera asks managers why fast food doesn’t look like ads

PRDaily : By Kevin Allen | Posted: June 19, 2014

2014年6月6日 星期五


3 things to know before you start your PR career
From PRDaily : By Mickie Kennedy | Posted: June 5, 2014

Do you think you have a good idea of what working in PR is all about? You may have
seen a TV show (think Samantha on "Sex and the City") or otherwise have an idea of
what a glamorous life PR pros lead. Maybe you want to get into public relations so you
can have the same fabulous, high-octane lifestyle.