堂哥早上來載我們時說 是傍晚的票, 因為回南部要十幾個鐘頭, 所以我們在車上過夜。
我們退房後時間還早, 堂哥說再帶我們去走走,過年時節 ,開始有些熱鬧。我們開車
在曼谷皇宮附近遊覽 ,這邊有許多寺廟林立, 乍看似乎一樣 ,但其實各有巧妙精工 。
堂哥早上來載我們時說 是傍晚的票, 因為回南部要十幾個鐘頭, 所以我們在車上過夜。
我們退房後時間還早, 堂哥說再帶我們去走走,過年時節 ,開始有些熱鬧。我們開車
在曼谷皇宮附近遊覽 ,這邊有許多寺廟林立, 乍看似乎一樣 ,但其實各有巧妙精工 。
How to measure your content marketing campaign
Source: By Kristin Piombino | Posted: August 27, 2013
Content marketing is all the rage these days, and for good reason. It helps tell your company’s story, and makes your brand more relatable and interesting to customers.
But your boss probably isn’t interested in the details of your content marketing campaign—she just wants to know whether it positively affects the bottom line.
[RELATED: Learn why you need a content marketing plan at our content marketing boot camp.]
Can ignoring a crisis make it disappear?
By Mickie Kennedy | Posted: August 26, 2013
When a crisis hits, your main goal is to minimize the damage to your organization. But rest assured, even if you don’t feel you’re at fault, your brand is sure to suffer.
我們回芭他雅的路上, 表哥帶我們去吃泰式料理, 算是在這過晚至少應吃的口味
才四個人吃就一大桌菜, 菜色很豐盛 道地泰緬菜都免不了以辣提味。
我們吃得很過癮 ,老年人就不一定, 看習慣。
我們驅車前往下一站之前, 在車上聊起來
藍先生說 :大陸也有很多這樣的地方, 像圓明園ㄚ幾個著名的宮廷花園
台灣有甚麼哩? 士林官邸 ,陽明山公園不知道算不算, 我很少逛花園 , 不太知道 !
咦 ,九族文化村哩?
What's the most enjoyable part of the writing process?
Source: PrDaily By Kristin Piombino | Posted: August 8, 2013
All good writers know that writing isn't easy.
Neil Gaiman, author of "Coraline" and other works, once said: "Being a writer is a very peculiar sort of a job: It's always you versus a blank sheet of paper (or a blank screen), and quite often the blank piece of paper wins."
我們在這裡渡過安靜的泰國新年,芭他雅有很多地方根本就徹夜不眠 !!。
昨晚我都忘了自己是怎麼回飯店 ,怎麼盥洗 ,怎麼上床睡覺。
連日來一直走路 ,其實蠻考驗體力, 尤其活動還挺緊湊, 我們還一直躺在床上,
覺得很熱。我說空調是不是壞了 ,嘴上說說 ,卻怎麼也不想起來, 這裡得自己調溫度,
AMEC Conference - A more measured approach to PR
Source: PRWeek Ruth Wyatt, prweek.com, Friday, 21 June 2013, 12:00am, 1 Comment
Effective measurement starts with identifying goals and reasons to achieve them. It might sound easy but the reality is a lot more complicated, as Ruth Wyatt discovered at AMEC's latest summit.
有效的測量來自辨識目標和理由以實現他們。這聽起來可能很容易,但現實是複雜得多,Ruth Wyatt在AMEC的最新峰會中如此發現。
AMEC(International association for the measurement and evaluation of communication)
我們去芭他雅的途中 , 在一間中華餐廳停留吃飯。 這邊外國人多 ,各種餐廳都有,
可順應旅客需求 。好像因為怕我們不適應酸酸辣辣的食物, 所以就還是帶我們去
蘭先先好像很喜歡喝啤酒 ,要求來一份 。在等待食物當中, 我們也討論起食物。
10 ways to write content that ranks high on Google
Source : PRDailyBy Kristin Piombino | Posted: July 19, 2013
Since its arrival on the online scene, search engine optimization (SEO) has put writers in a difficult position. Do you write for people or the search engine algorithms?