2012年6月29日 星期五


How not to handle bad reviews
 Source:Guardian 2011 12.24

Self-published author Jacqueline Howett's online meltdown after a poor review quickly went viral, proving the internet has finally removed the line in the sand between reviewers and authors


2012年6月25日 星期一

曼谷隨興 (二)

「我並不認識你」 我對曼谷說 ...

早上醒來還只是輕晨, 雖然隔著窗帘, 但已可透過縫隙看見日已懸上,不似我們即使在盛夏,早晨微光初透時仍有沁涼的感覺 !


2012年6月24日 星期日





2012年6月22日 星期五

泰國新年 潑水節 (Water-splashing New Year in Thailand 2012)

Water-splashing New Year in Thailand

Thursday, 26 April 2012  
Source: Sri Lanka’s National daily news

April is a month of celebration for almost all Asians due to the harvesting of crops with the help of monsoon winds and people have ample time for fun and frolic in the spring.


Elephants spraying water on tourists and Thai public to celebrate the Songkran festival
   Thai public and foreigners              
   engaged in building sand
at local temples.


As we Sinhalese and Tamils celebrate the New Year this month, it is a month of celebration for the Thai people as well. They call it the Songkran festival which has been celebrated from time immemorial.


Millions of people from across the Kingdom of Thailand flocked to celebrate the Songkran festival on April 13. It is the traditional Thai New Year which is celebrated on a grand scale at several popular venues such as Khao San road in Bangkok, Khao new road in Khon Kaen and Chiang Mai city. These areas were packed with thousands of Thais and foreigners splashing water.

全國各地數以百萬計的泰民在413蜂擁群聚慶祝潑水節。泰國傳統新年在幾個熱門場館規模宏大的慶祝,如在曼谷 Khao San路,在孔敬府的 Khao new road和清邁市。這些地區都擠滿了成千上萬的泰國人和外國人潑水祈福。

2012年6月15日 星期五


聽父親談起爺爺的種種  已是成年後多時。

父親的家鄉在泰國,是華僑的第二代不知道為什麼他不太和我談這的, 有時候會和我說幾句家鄉怎樣怎樣之類,  我沒有什麼特別的感覺, 有的只是名詞  模糊 !

從來沒掃過墓, 沒有思親的哀愁  沒有感受親人死亡的悲涼感 ~
我有一次跟同學提起這樣的事 ,他告訴我 ,你別再說了吧, 你再跟人家說這 會被認為你以後是個不良的媳婦 !

 ,啊 ? 什麼 ?

對於人情不盡吧 ! 因為風俗不解, 也就淡薄。

但是父親會對姐姐講很多,對弟弟講很多, 姐姐和弟弟早就回家鄉過了~

我有可怕的老二情結! 渾渾噩噩的搞不清楚什麼是家鄉, 對鄉親的感情 "遲滯 "

聽父親說爺爺和兄弟早年從大陸福建南下泰國尋找契機, 也尋找各種可能的生存方式。後來開始做麵子生意,一路發展成包子、港咖啡店而終有了一片天....


French growth forecast cut while Germany's is raised
Source:BBC: 8 June 2012 Last updated at 12:09 GMT

The Bank of France said the automotive sector had declined in May

There has been mixed news on the outlook for the eurozone's biggest economies.

2012年6月8日 星期五

社運人士呼籲 應給予特殊教育需求改革更多的時間

Give special educational needs changes more time, say campaigners
Source: guardian.co.uk, Monday 4 June 2012 12.32 BST

Pilot schemes are not being allowed enough time to test SEN (Special educational needs )proposals, say charities, teachers' unions and pressure groups 


Sarah Teather, the children and families minister, said her department was 'proposing the biggest reforms in 30 years to help disabled children and those with special educational needs'. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

兒童和家庭部長 Sarah Teather說,她的部門提出30年來最大的改革,以幫助殘疾和特殊教育需求的兒童。攝影:Dan Kitwood / Getty Images

2012年6月1日 星期五


Family History: Getting Started

Source : BBC By Dr Nick Barratt
Last updated 2011-04-26

If you're tackling your family tree for the first time, this guide will help you get organised and direct you towards great resources both online and offline.
